Wheel of Fortune News - Us Weekly
Created by Merv Griffin in 1975, television game show Wheel of Fortune has continuously captivated audiences for decades. Contestants are challenged to solve hangman-style word puzzles, attempting to be the first to guess all of the unknown letters on the board. Cash winnings and other prizes are determined by spinning a giant wheel — hence the name.
Pat Sajak and Vanna White have appeared on the nighttime version of the show since its inception in 1983. In 2018, Sajak became the longest-running host of any game show. However, in 2023, Sajak announced his plans to retire after the 41st season. Ryan Seacrest was tapped as his replacement.
Wheel of Fortune is the longest-running syndicated game show in the United States, with more than 7,000 episodes and counting. International adaptations in 60 countries have garnered a worldwide following for the game show.